Tag: acoustics

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Amar Bose: 6.312 Lecture 21—Normal Modes

4.37K Views0 Comments

Topics include: 3-D rooms; distribution of normal modes; graphic equalizers; class demo with oscilloscope. Recorded: Nov. 21, 1995.

Amar Bose: 6.312 Lecture 22—Mean Free Path and Reverberation

4.92K Views0 Comments

Topics include: sound in large irregular rooms; mean free path; reverberation time; direct and reverberant fields; effects of environments on music and voice. Recorded: Nov. 28, 1995.

Amar Bose: Lecture 23—Fields and Air Absorption

4.31K Views0 Comments

Topics include: direct and reverberant fields; air absorption; experiences recording orchestras; localization; stories about patent trials. Recorded: Nov. 30, 1995.

Amar Bose: 6.312 Lecture 24—Air Absorption and Psychoachoustics

4.29K Views0 Comments

Topics include: air absorption; architectural acoustics; psychoacoustics; digital signals; sampling process; convolution; square waves; all-pass network; experiments with acoustical instrument musicians; RCA experimen...

Amar Bose: 6.312 Lecture 25—Psychoacoustics (cont.)

21.60K Views0 Comments

Topics include: psychoacoustics; localization of sound; Fletcher Munson curve; sensitivity to phase shift; Pinna pressure; sensitivity to distortion; Haas effect; spectral, spatial and temporal aspects of sound; maski...

Amar Bose: 6.312 Lecture 26—Acoustic Wave Technology

5.02K Views0 Comments

Topics include: distortion; acoustic wave technology; reflections on the process of invention; active noise cancellation; Hilbert transforms; patents and the IPO; demonstration with Bose speaker. Recorded: Dec. 12, 1995.

Amar Bose: 6.312 Lecture 27—Personal Reflections

28.76K Views0 Comments

Dr. Bose addresses students during the last class of the Fall 1995 semester. He first illustrates an experiment about sound deterioration and normal modes, using multiple re-recordings of a piece of music, a human voi...

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