Category: Must See!

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MIT OpenCourseWare Press Conference (April 4, 2001)

4.51K Views0 Comments

On April 4, 2001, MIT President Charles Vest leads a press conference to announce the establishment of MIT's OpenCourseWare (OCW), the web-based program to provide free access to MIT course content, including lecture ...

Technology Day 1995 — “War, Technology, Peace and Change”

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MIT's 1995 Technology Day takes place on June 16, 1995 on the theme "War, Technology, Peace and Change."  A fly-by of six vintage World War II airplanes led by a  B-25, intended as a tribute to the sacrifices of MIT c...

Technology Day 2001 — “Origins and Beyond: Our Place in the Cosmos”

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The 2001 MIT Technology Day takes place June 9, 2001, on the theme "Origins and Beyond: Our Place in the Cosmos." Featured speakers include Eric S. Lander, "The Human Genome and Beyond"; Claude R. Canizares, "The Orig...

MIT 2.007 Robot Competition Spring 2010

13.93K Views0 Comments

Each spring semester, 2.007 — known as Design and Manufacturing I, a required course for mechanical engineering students — culminates in a hotly contested robot competition. A tradition for 40 years, the 2.007 Robot C...

MIT Steel Bridge Team

12.70K Views0 Comments

A look at the MIT Steel Bridge team as it prepares for and competes in the 2012 Student Steel Bridge Competition. The MIT team was sponsored by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.  More information...

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