Category: Must See!

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Awakening: Evoking the Arab Spring through Music

4.11K Views0 Comments

This 30-minute documentary features the March 2012 premiere of "Awakening: Evoking the Arab Spring through Music," by composer Jamshied Sharifi ‘83.  Commissioned by MIT Music and Theater Arts, with funding from the M...

Exoplanets and the Search for Habitable Worlds — Prof. Sara Seager

3.09K Views0 Comments

For thousands of years people have wondered, "Are we alone?" With over 400 planets discovered to orbit nearby stars, the existence of "exoplanets" is firmly established. Astronomers are now able to routinely measure p...

Tech’s Top Teachers Talk Turkey

2.88K Views0 Comments

Join us for a session in which some of MIT's best teachers—both faculty and teaching assistants—talk about how to teach well. Participants include: Denny Freeman, Professor of Electrical Engineering MacVicar Faculty ...

Turn Your Invention into a Start-Up

3.15K Views0 Comments

You’ve invented something really cool. Now, can you protect it and create a company around it? Christopher Noble, Technology Licensing Officer of the MIT Technology Licensing Office, explains how and when to file a pa...

MIT in Service

3.50K Views0 Comments

"The mission of MIT is to advance knowledge and educate students in science, technology, and other areas of scholarship that will best serve the nation and the world in the 21st century." This 13 minute video provides...

Common Threads: The Evolving Student Experience at MIT

4.39K Views0 Comments

Common Threads: The Evolving Student Experience at MIT presents an exciting overview of MIT's changing public face and the growing diversity of its student body. Drawing upon interviews with MIT presidents, professors...

The Ecosystem: Nurturing Entrepreneurship at MIT

3.20K Views0 Comments

How do the innovative technologies developed at MIT change the world? How are new drugs brought to market, new energy solutions deployed, and new information technology products distributed? The answer is innovation-b...

IAP: Sustainability Workshop

2.77K Views0 Comments

This 2013 IAP workshop examined our thinking about recycling, reusing, and reducing.  What better way to educate ourselves on where it all goes, what it becomes, and—most importantly—how we can make changes in our beh...

2.670: An Introduction to DC Motors

4.23K Views0 Comments

Mechanical Engineering undergraduate students compete to build the fastest motor.

UROP Profile: Allan Blanchard

2.80K Views0 Comments

Future inventor Allan Blanchard works on perfecting the super battery.  Published on November 2, 2012. MIT's Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) cultivates and supports research partnerships between M...